Sunday, June 20, 2010

HaPpY fAtHeRs DaY.....
I wanted to thank all the Fathers in my life...
Thank you for being such a great Dad and Husband!
I don't know what I would do without you!
You are such a hard worker! and you do
everything you can to support our family!
You are such a great Example to our Boys!
They want to be just like their day someday!
Hope you have a great day!
Love you so much!

And to my DaD..
Thanks for being a great example for me
and the boys to look up to!
Thank you for being such a good Dad to me and such
a great Grandpa to my boys!
They look up to you so much!..especially Kash.
He truly is Grandpa's Boy!
Thanks for all the help when ever I need it!
Thanks for being such a hard worker!...
and passing it down to Kody!
He has alot of your same quality's!
Thanks for raising such a awesome son.
Thanks for being such a great Grandpa..
The boys look up to you alot..
and are always wanting to do so many
things like there Papa!

Thanks for being a great Uncle to my boys!
They have all looked up to you...especially Chase!
He trys to be just like you!
Thanks for treating them like one of your own..
You are a great Father!

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