Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Chase, Chase, Chase:(

My 5 year old said a 3 letter word that started with A, and we were consered. We asked were did you learn that from? We don't talk like that in our house. So I didn't know were he had got that word from. Chase said movies, like the car show( meaning Fast and the Furious), he only watched it once.... and he said, people with tattoos say that word. I didn't realize it had that kind off language in it! Kids pick up things so fast.... the are like a sponge! I guess we need to be more careful in what we let him watch. And what is going on around us in the world! I feel like a bad parent for him saying that. I told him Heavenly Father doesn't like you to talk like that. I pray that he will forget that word.

1 comment:

  1. Great to see your blog. The kids are sure growing. I love being able to keep up with what is going on with everyone.
