OuR tRiP tO VeGaS
We left on Monday at about 1:30 p.m. and then we got to Vegas and checked into our room at the Flamingo! They ate pretty nice rooms. Except for we were right by the elevators! That kind of sucked. If you looked out our window there was a pretty good view, you could see the flamingos and the pools. Then we went and walked around the hotel and looked at the flamingos, turtles and the fish. those things were huge! They are from Japan.
Then we figured it was time to head over to the Thomas and Mack center to get in line for Wrestling! We didn't think there would be much of a line , because we were like 1 1/2 hours early, but there was. At least it was as bad as it was last year when we went, The line went clear around the school campus! So we got in about 45 min before it started, so we went and found our seats, which were actually really good. Then we went and bought the boys some John Cena and DX stuff. While we were waiting hey had a show that was recording on different channel. Then at 6 Vegas time Wrestling was Live. It was pretty neat, Mr. McMahon( he is the owner of WWE Wrestling) came out and talked then DX(Triple H and Shawn Micheals) came out and told everyone it was Mr. McMahon's 64 Birthday, So we all sang Happy Birthday to him. And then they had an Elvis impersonator, and Show girls come out. And a short guy that had a big belly in a speedo dancing around! That was kind of funny. Then at the very end John Cena came out! and knocked down Randy Orton! I Like John Cena. He is my favorite Wrestler! Then after the show it took us 2 1/2 hour just to get to our hotel, because they were doing all this construction! We finally were able to eat at like 11:30, I picked MargarittaVille. It was preety good, except the music was really loud and we could hardly hear the waitrase! Then we went to BeD!
We couldn't really sleep in because Kody had to meet one of his Customers for work. So while he did that I looked around at Ross. Then we went to the Luxor to check out the Criss Angel store, but it wasn't open and ther where no signs when it would open either, so we decided to look around for a bit. we walked over to the Mandalay Bay. Then on our way back we checked the store again, and it was open. It wasn't what we expected. But I got a cool bracelet. Then Kody took me to the Golden Nugget because I had never been there! I saw the worlds largest golden nugget. Then we walked down and looked at all the shops. We found a little Krispey Kremes! Yay! Then we went back to the Golden Nugget and had lunch at a little Cafe.It was pretty good.
Then we were off to Good Old Saint George again! I was glad to be home to see our Kids!
Lots of Flamingos.
The Big old fish!
Kody relaxing!
Kody and Me!
Triple H, Shawn Micheals, Mr. McMahon, The Big Show,Chris Jericho, Hornswaggle, and Floyd May weather
HHHJohn CenaJohn Cena and Mr. McMahonHHH and Mr. McMahon